
Region: City: Tlz/Parking:
Estensione ZTL
Orario e giorni di funzionamento
Veicoli Ammessi
Soggetti Autorizzati
Orario accesso per carico e scarico
Accesso disabili
Clienti di Alberghi e Affittacamere o Case di riposo
Permessi temporanei
Se sono entrato senza autorizzazione posso sanare la mia posizione
Ufficio di riferimento
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Portogruaro Restricted Area: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras


ZTL Areas (AR)

Where enforced cameras are

ZTL working time and days

Admitted vehicles

Authorized people

Time for loading and unloading goods

Disabled access

Hotel guests access

Temporary permits

If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?

Competent Office

City website

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ZTL Areas (AR) 

Portogruaro restricted area (ZTL Portogruaro) concerns the following streets of the historic center: via Abbazia, Corso Martiri della Libertà e via degli Spalti.

Since 2015, it didn't work

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Where enforced cameras are
Access to Portogruaro ZTL is watched by 1 cameras located in Via Abbazia.

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ZTL working time and days

Portogruaro ZTL  doesn't work since 26 July 2015

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Admitted vehicles

In Portogruaro Restricted Area (Portogruaro ZTL ), any kind of vehicles can't enter without any authorization, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.

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Authorized people

The following kinds of people can enter in Portogruaro ZTL :

  • Residents and Dimorants
  • Private car park owners
  • Delivery perishable goods
  • Markets
  • Delivery perishable goods ny shoop keeper
  • Taxi
  • Police
  • Disabled people.

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Time for loading and unloading goods
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Portogruaro ZTL without any time slots.

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disabled access
Vehicles for disabled people can always enter in Portogruaro ZTL.
If you need to enter without any authorization you have to inform Local Police ( phone number 0421.277341 or mail portogruaro.poliziamunicipale@adria.it) before their entrance .
You must give the following information:
  • Plate number,
  • Date and time you entered,
  • Disabled permit

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Hotel guests access
There aren't any hotel in Portogruaro ZTL.

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Temporary permits
There aren't temporary permit to enter Portogruaro Restricted Area but you can avoid fine in these case
  • Disabled people
  • Chemist's customers working on Sunday or night
  • urgenties
in these cases:
  • Disabled people must call to 0421.277341 della Polizia Locale or send a mail to , giving his name, plate number, entrance date and number permit;
  • Chemist's, working in the night or not working days, customers must call to 0421.277341 della Polizia Locale or send a mail to , giving, his name, plate number, date entrance and Chemist's receipt;
  • Urgenties, you must go to Local Police chief located in Piazza Castello, 1

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If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
If you got in Portogruaro Restricted Area without any authorization you can avoid a fine except for the following situations:
  • Disabled people or Hotel guests
  • Chemist's customers if it is working at night or on Sunday;
  • urgenties

In these cases:

  • Disabled people, call to 0421.277341 or send a e-mail to:portogruaro.poliziamunicipale@adria.it, giving your name, plate number e permit number;
  • Chemist's customers, call to 0421.277341 or send a mail to portogruaro.poliziamunicipale@adria.it, giving your name, plate number e receipt number;
  • urgenties go to Local Police Chief located in Piazza Castello, 1 and give documentatio proving urgenties.

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Competent Office

Local PolicePortogruaro

Indirizzo: Piazza Castello, 1, 30026 Portogruaro VE, Italia
Phone: 0421277341
Opening time: 
  • from Monday to Saturday 10-12
  • on Wednesday 15-17 too

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City website


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