
Region: City: Tlz/Parking:
Estensione ZTL
Orario e giorni di funzionamento
Veicoli Ammessi
Soggetti Autorizzati
Orario accesso per carico e scarico
Accesso disabili
Clienti di Alberghi e Affittacamere o Case di riposo
Permessi temporanei
Se sono entrato senza autorizzazione posso sanare la mia posizione
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La Spezia Restricted Area: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras


ZTL Areas (AR)

Where enforced cameras are

ZTL working time and days

Admitted vehicles

Authorized people

Time for loading and unloading goods

Disabled access

Hotel guests access

Temporary permits

If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?

Competent Office

City website

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ZTL Areas (AR) 

La Spezia restricted area called 'torretto' (ZTL La Spezia) concerns the following streets:

  • Viale Giuseppe Mazzini ( between Via Massimo D’Azeglio and Via Luigi Cadorna)
  • Via Armando Diaz (between Viale Italia and Via Domenico Chiodo)
  • Via Chiodo ( between Via Persio and Piazza Verdi)
  • Via Niccolò Tommaseo ( between Via Domenico Chiodo and Via G. Mazzini)
  • Via Don Giovanni Minzoni (between Via Luigi Cadorna and Via Massimo D’Azeglio)
  • Via D’Azeglio (between Via G. Mazzini and Via Don Giovanni Minzoni)
  • Via Alessandro Manzoni (between Via Domenico Chiodo and Via G. Mazzini)
  • Via Ceccardo Ceccardi di Roccatagliata (between Via Don Giovanni Minzoni and Via G. Mazzini)
  • Via Manfredo da Passano (between Via Domenico Chiodo and Viale G. Mazzini)
  • Via Luigi Cadorna ( between Via Domenico Chiodo and Viale G. Mazzini)
  • Largo Giordano Bruno
Near there are a pedestrian area, too.

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Where enforced cameras are
Access to La Spezia ZTL is watched by 5 cameras located in:
  • Via Manzoni ,
  • Via Fazio all'intersection with via Aulo Flacco Persio,
  • Via Domenico Chiodo all'intersection with via Aulo Flacco Persio, 
  • Viale Giuseppe Mazzini all'intersection with via Massimo D’Azeglio,
  • Viale Italia all'intersection with Via Armando Diaz.

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ZTL working time and days

La Spezia ZTL works every day from 0.00 to 24.00.

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Admitted vehicles

In La Spezia Restricted Area (La Spezia ZTL ), any kind of vehicles can't enter without any authorization, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.

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Authorized people

The following kinds of people can get authorization to enter in La Spezia ZTL:

  • Stated by law;
  • Residents;
  • Private car park owners;
  • Delivery goods;
  • Disabled people.

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Time for loading and unloading goods
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in La Spezia ZTL entering from Manzoni gate: 4,00-10,00 and 14,00-16,00, parking no longer than 30 minutes .

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disabled access
Vehicles for disabled people can always enter in La Spezia ZTL but they need to register their plate number (no more than 2).

They must fill in the application that  they can download from webisite and they can send to:

If they need to enter they must inform Local Police ( Phone number 0187.7261) before their entrance.
They must give the following information:
  • Plate number,
  • Date and time entrance,
  • Disabled permit.

It is working the green number 800178488 for disabled people, too.

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Hotel guests access
We don't result any exceptions about hotel guest inside La Spezia ZTL.

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Temporary permits
Local Police may give temporary access authorizations in La Spezia Restricted Area after production of motion.

Fares are:

  • daily ticket free from charge (1 a week)
  • weekly permit  5,00 Euro
  • monthy permit 10,00 Euro
  • yearly permit  60,00 Euro

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If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
If you got in La Spezia Restricted Area without any authorization you can't avoid a fine.

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Competent Office
via Saffi 3, 19126 La Spezia
Phone: 0187.1875303
Fax: 0187.1875308

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City website


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